Teinidead trip derived from the CORE Teinidead trip derived from the CORE

Teinidead trip
derived from the CORE

Product System

Foshan Teamgiant is an intelligent manufacturing provider of soft pack power batteries for new energy vehicles. It has been focusing on lithium battery technology for 13 years, focusing on the soft pack power & energy storage lithium battery technology route, committed to building a domestic soft package power & energy storage benchmarking enterprise, and promoting the development of global polymer soft pack power & energy storage lithium battery industry.

  • 软包动力锂电(单体)电池
  • 乘用车电包
  • EV多功能专用车/物流车电池包
  • TG6wh用户储能(电池)系统
Product application solutions Product application solutions

Product application solutions

EV multi purpose vehicle / logistics vehicle

Urban micro passenger car

Energy storage system

Low speed vehicle + small power
